Monday, 26 October 2015

Pyracantha coccinea (Firethorn)

LOCATION: Stockport

The characteristic feature of Firethorn are small, red berries and the fragrant white flowers produced in May and June. There are many different varieties which produce a wide palette of yellow, orange and red berries. Pyracanthas are easy to grow and require very little maintenance. They have small, gloss-green elliptical leaves and thorny twigs covered with short white hair.

The species was found growing on a car park in Stockport along the walls of one of the buildings. It was not in an excellent condition as the soil was quite dry and there was a lot of weeds growing all around it. The shrub had aso an unusual appearance as its dark green leaves mixed with the nearby growing yellow-green Euonymus fortunei. The shrub ad a very limited space to grow in and looks like it has been regularly pruned as it developed a dense mass of twigs.

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