Monday 26 October 2015

Garrya elliptica (Silk Tassel Bush)

LOCATION: Fletcher Moss Park

I found this plant in Fletcher Moss Park where it was growing hidden under a wall in a residential garden which is perfect for that plant as it needs a sheltered site and the wall provides even additional shelter and warmth for the plant. The leaves are dark green, waxy and leathery with waved margins and are oval in shape. Garrya is an evergreen irregular shrub growing up to 3-4m, its fruits are the silvery-green pendent catkins appearing from winter to spring. The species is native to California and Oregon states in America. Often seen in the UK as an ornamental species. 

This species looked to be in a good health. There was an exceptional amount of silvery-green catkins hanging off the shrub considering how young the plant looks. The soil looked well drained due to a recent rainfall.

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